Visit to BIOFOS Avedøre wastewater treatment plant, 22. September 2016

BIOFOS is one of Denmark’s leading company in Liquid Waste Management and handles liquid waste from 1.2mio inhabitants from 15 municipalities in and around the Copenhagen Metropolitan area.


Waste water is treated at BIOFOS water treatment plants located at Lynetten, Avedøre and Damhusåen, before being discharged into Øresund and Køge Bugt.

For BIOFOS the liquid waste generated by the consumers is regarded as a valuable source of sustainable and environmentally friendly energy. Waste water is an important resource which can be reused as CO2-neutral electricity, biogas for the city gas grids and heating for the district heating network.

We at YWPDK have been invited to come and visit BIOFOS liquid waste management center at Avedøre.

The visit will take place on Thursday the 22. September from 16-18. The deadline for signing up is Tuesday the 20th of September. Please sign-up here.

If you have any questions regarding the event, feel free to use the contact form below and we will reply as soon as possible.

