Join YWPDK for a bike ride in the inner city Friday the 15th of August, where we will meet representatives from different organisations in the water sector in Copenhagen. The event is free of charge for members of YWPDK, but registration is required. Read more here! Kom med YWPDK på en cykeltur i Indre By fredag den 15. august, hvor vi møder repræsentanter fra forskellige organisationer i vandsektoren i København. Arrangementet er gratis for […]
The 23rd of May YWPDK held their constituting general assembly in Kolding. 20 motivated YWPDK members participated in the GA and voted to adopt the YWPDK constitution as well as YWPDK Country Chapter Committee. The ten members of the CCSC elected are: Chair: Trine Stausgaard Munk, Rambøll Secretary: Karolina Tatari, DTU Environment Treasurer: Gudny Kristin Tryggvadottir Bredtoft, Rambøll Other CCSC-members: Mariann Sæbø, Grontmij Krzysztof Piotr (Chris) Kowalski, Aalborg University Chiara Farné Fratini, DIST – Aalborg University – Copenhagen […]
For those signing up for the YWPDK General Assembly, DANVA is also inviting us to participate in their Friday schedule from 9.00-13.00 of their yearly meeting. The program is in Danish, but none the less very interesting. Read more here! Participation is free, but registration is necessary. Please indicate, when you sign up for the YWPDK General Assembly, if you also wish to participate in the DANVA program!
Young Water Professionals Denmark (YWPDK) would like to invite all YWPDK members to participate in the constituting general assembly of the network. The purpose of the assembly is to officially establish the YWPDK network by adopting the constitution and electing the Steering Committee. Read more here: Call for YWPDK GA 2014 You can read the proposed constitution here
YWPDK invite all young water professionals in Denmark to participate in the general assembly the 23rd of May 2014 13.00-17.00 The assembly will take place at Comwell Kolding Skovbrynet 1 6000 Kolding The official call for constituting general assembly will be announced within a few weeks. Participation will be free of charge, but registration is required. You are welcome to sign up already by sending an email to Only members of YWPDK can attend the […]
Our website is finally up and running 🙂