For the first time, the regional group has the chance to explore closely the use of water in a local industrial setting, that is Aalborg Portland! The industry, specialised in cement production, will host us on the 6th of November with the following agenda:
16:00 meet at Aalborg Portland (Rørdalsvej 44, 9220 Aalborg East)
16:10 short intro by YWPDK and status on activities
16:20 presentation by Aalborg Portland with Q&A
17:00 technical tour of Aalborg Portland & networking
18:00 thank you for today!
If you need help with transportation to reach the destination, please indicate it in the sign-up below. We offer a taxi ride (to go and come back) together with the other participants. In this case, we meet outside the main entrance of Aalborg Station at 15:30.
If you would like to join the event but you're not a YWPDK member yet, you need to first sign up for membership (it's free!):