Findings from the Half-day Workshop and Call for Abstracts


The table above sums up the key findings from the half-day workshop held the 12th of December at Rambøll. The five thematic tracks will constitute the framework for the continued work for the YWPDK members. We would like to appoint a contact person for each thematic track, who will act as thematic coordinator and will have their contact information displayed here on our website. Please contact us at, if you would be interested in the position!


We would also like to invite you to send us an abstract for the 1st YWPDK conference taking place on the 10th -11th of March in Odense within one of the five thematic tracks we identified at the workshop. Abstracts can be centered around practical and/or research projects related to the thematic tracks.

The abstract should as a minimum include:

1. Author (who will present)
2. Title
3. Thematic track
4. How the project relates to the thematic track
5. What you learned from the project
6. Project description

The project description (6) should be limited to 100 words. Abstracts will be selected for oral presentations or poster sessions within one of the 5 thematic tracks. Abstracts should be sent as PDF’s to marked “Abstract Submission: Name of thematic track” no later than January 23rd 2015. Please contact us at if you have any questions!


We hope to hear from you and see you in Odense!