As it was announced at the end of April, the 7th edition of the YWPDK national conference was cancelled and postponed to the fall. The organising committee made this decision because the uncertain covid-19 situation in Denmark prevented us from creating the experience we wanted to provide our members. We will update you within the next months when we have more information about the postponed conference.

The election for the country chapter committee resulted in the reelection of familiar faces. The network is in a crucial state in terms of achieving the goals set out in the strategy towards 2023, and it is important that the current momentum is utilized. It is therefore very postive to see a continuation of the board members of the network.
Elected for the CCSC where Luis Roman, from Krüger, Nerea Carreño, from Vandcenter Syd, and Ines Breda, from Silhorko / Eurowater. They will all continue in their current positions within the network. Ines is the acting Treasurer of the network and serves on the IWA Emerging Water Leaders Steering Committee, where she links YWPDK to the international YWP community and IWA. Nerea will continue as secretary and, among other things, responsible for the recruitment effort of YWPDK. Luis is responsible for the overall international collaboration of YWPDK ensuring that we knowledge share with other chapters, collaborate on events, and remain visible in the international water community.
Thor Danielsen, from HOFOR A/S, will continue the role as Chair of YWPDK, that he held the previous term. Nadia Lund, from EnviDan, and Emil Thomsen, from COWI will continue as member engagement officers on the board, and will be responsible for the activities of the network at the regional level and to engage in the best way possible with the members of our network and the Regional Representatives. Emil and Nadia will work closely with regional representatives of Copenhagen, Aalborg, and Aarhus to ensure that the regional groups have the best conditions to carry out their tasks and provide the member base with great events at the regional level.
It is truly a great group of dedicated people that will serve on the board for the next term and it is highly refreshing to see new members willing to step up and take responsibility and leadership for our network. We would also like to thank all the candidates who were unfortunate not to get elected for a position. We know and believe that you still have a large role to play in the development of the network. Your engagement is what is fundemental to having a thriving, active and engageing network.
YWPDK Denmark is based on regional presence and is fortunate enough to have three regional representative representing the network in the three of the largest cities in Denmark. This year two positions for regional representative were open for new candidates. Jan-Michael Blum stepped down as representative in Copenhagen after leading the network in Copenhagen and Freya Mosbæk stepped down after building up the regional group in Aalborg. Jan-Michael and Freya are fortunate to be handing over the reigns to two newly elected representatives.
Per Nobel, from EvniDan, who has been part of the Copenhagen group and led it since august 2020, was elected to be regional representative of Copenhagen. He will be responsible for activities in Copenhagen and leading the regional group. Giulia Dottorini, from Aalborg University, will take over as regional representative in Aalborg after Freya. Giulia is no stranger to the network and has been an active member in the past years. Giulia will be building on the strong foundation Freya has created in Aalborg and ensure great events for the members in Northern Jylland.
The board, regional representative, and regional group members are working to make sure we have great activities all around Denmark for the rest of 2021. We are currently building on the direction set out in the strategy developed to guide us towards 2023. Part of that strategy involves strengthening the regional groups, where we will do our best to give you as many engagement opportunities as possible. We furthermore want to keep everything as simple and easy for all of you when you want to become more active. So be sure that we have the content available to support you if you want to help plan an event og be more active.
We still believe in a network that is driven by the expertise. ideas, and engagement of our members. Make sure to contact your regional representative if you have an idea for an event that you would like to help plan. Post something on our social media sites to engage online, and feel free to reach out to us if you have any suggestions for YWPDK.
We are looking forward to the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, were we know there will be a lot of great opportunities for young water professionals to engage. This will be an historic event for the Danish water sector and we can't wait.